Paintings, contemporary art
Hester van Dapperen is a productive, versatile Dutch contemporary artist from Amsterdam. Her main focus lies with modern art painting. In this section the focus lies on her contemporary art paintings of the past five years in which she developed a more abstract style, although people still are the main subject in her work, rich colourfields and more conceptual minimal art paintings take a promenent place in her work. We present her work within the categories she named them:
Transparents, Stitches, Profiles, Cuts, News, Leaves.
“Fabric and colour are my tools, in visual, contemporary art and in fashion. My experience is that they enrich each other. With painting it is my desire to go deeper than just the image. I want to show the subliminal part as well. The image becomes secondary to the fabric and the paint. I am not interested in the image but in the impact of the painting. The work is a reflection of reality, in such a manner that it makes you wonder, where you are looking at.”