This page presents an overview of the professional carrier of Hester van Dapperen.
Collective exhibitions
- Project Space Keizersgracht 349, Amsterdam; jewelry of raw gemstones by Renee Arnold, transparent paintings by Hester van Dapperen, restored industrial lamps by 360 Volt, The Netherlands.
- Lettered, Hollebol Gallery, work of several artist, colourfield paintings by Hester van Dapperen, Den Burg, Texel, The Netherlands
- Covers, New encounters, statues of Isabel Ruijs, paintings by Hanneke Gommers and colourfieldpaintings by Hester van Dapperen, Keizersgracht, Amsterdam
- Lustrum exhibition, Galerie Beetje kunst, statues of Isabel Ruijs, paintings of Hester van Dapperen, Blaricum
- Open studio’s Amsterdam East, central exhibition CBK Amsterdam East
- Affordable Art Fair, a special art selection compiled by curator’s for for the AAF Westergasfabriek, Amsterdam
- Open studio’s Amsterdam East, central exhibition CBK Amsterdam East
- Hot Ice Gallery, Westergasfabriek during the Affordable Art Fair, Patricia de Ruijter photographs and paintings Hester van Dapperen, Amsterdam
- Licht en Ruimte, group exhibition for the occasion of the first lustrum, Abcoude
- Melk Gallery, group exhibition on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of Melk Gallery, all the art has the same size 30 x 30 cm, Den Hoorn
- Loods 5, the striped oil paintings, an exhibition of multiple artists, with varied artworks, Zaandam
- Open Studios in Amsterdam, Zaandam East, groupexhibition in CBK Amsterdam East.
- Atelier Klaas, Colourfield paintings of van Dapperen and Renée Arnold’s jewelry, Laren
- Cliff hanger, a biannual outdoor art event with a selection of 30 artists from Netherlands. My project was ‘ the wish tree ‘, a participation project with the public. The NRC-next signaled you could make a wish and send it to During the art event the wishtree became full of wishes. The wishtree still remained for more than a half a year after the art event finished, so the wind had enough time to take all the wishes with her.
- Opera Gallery, with three transparent paintings. A selection of 25 Dutch artists was invitited to exhibit at the Opera Galery in Budapest, Hungary.
- Open Studios Amsterdam East, central exhibition in CBK Amsterdam East.
- Atelier Klaas: ‘ Transparent ‘ exposition of transparent paintings, during ‘Art on the Brink ‘ Laren
- Elements, paintings with leafmotifs. Various artists with art, design and food design working with the natural theme ‘ elements ‘, Design Hotel Artemis, Amsterdam
- Open Amsterdam East Studios, with central exhibition in Studio K
- Stedelijk Museum CS, 15 minutes of fame. During the museum night, artists were invited to participate the museum night by exhibit their work for 15 minutes in the Stedelijk Post CS building. During the Andy Warhol exhibition, is was a bit of a joke, but I noticed it needed some courage to go there with one of my transparent paintings under my arm. Therefore this action deserves a place in my CV, Amsterdam
- Tussen de Banken, with transparent work. Group exhibition of the newly founded Texel artists Association ‘ Zout’ , Den Burg, Texel
- Gallery Klaas: ‘ Transparency & Light ‘ transparent paintings of van Dapperen and jewelry of Renée Arnold, Laren2006
- Rondom Gijs, transparent paintings. An exhibition in memory of Gijs de Mol van Otterloo. Ten of his artist friends exhibit their work together with the art of Gijs in Loods 6, Amsterdam
- Klaas Open studio, exhibition of paintings transparent, colourfield paintings by Hester van Dapperen and jewelry of Renee Arnolds, Laren
- Open Studios, de Nieuwe Meer, Amsterdam
- Boundless Clothing, graphic gallery Ink, The Hague
- ‘ 3 x van Dapperen’ A special exhibition together with my parents. Paintings of my mother, drawings of my father and transparent paintings of me, in de Trappenberg, Huizen
- ’05-’02 Concept Art installations at the Oeverlanden: Breedbeeld, Broedjurk, Error of terror, Amsterdam
- Nest, an art exhibition with the subject Nest. The Breeding dress did just fit in the hall of the Secretary, Meppel
- The Breeding dress, during the Kunstvlaai, Amsterdam in the Westergas Factory
- White & Dirty, exposition of the ‘breeding art groups’ in Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam. Also here the Breeding dress was exhibited.
- Test-Portal ‘, selection of 25 international Now-artists, NDSM shed, Amsterdam. My project: ‘ Projection Reflex ‘. Curator Patricia de Ruijter.’
- Taco and club Animeer at the Nieuwe Meer lake. A movie for the internet art project Emotioneel Stadsplan in cooperation with Genet Groenendaal
- ‘ Testimony ‘ (installation) in passage Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam NDSM in cooperation with organization Uitmarkt, Amsterdam
- Ahoy, Rotterdam Art event with profile paintings, Rotterdam
- America Hall, Art event with profile paintings, Apeldoorn
- Exhibition four artists, graphic gallery Ink, Den Haag
- Graphic event-Grote Kerk, Den Haag
- Ninth graphic fair Besselaar Gallery, Utrecht
- Oerolflot, art & theater, a production of various artists, at the Oerol festival Terschelling,
- Hemelvaart, organisation and implementation Art restaurant, with Atten van der Vlucht en Leon Hogeslag at the Rijkshemelvaart studio’s, Amsterdam (± 4 years)
- T.O.F., Hidden installation of the artist of Rijkshemelvaartdienst during Kunstvlaai, Westergas Fabriek, Amsterdam
- My paintings are nominated during art festival of A.I.S. & Art Gallery donkersloot, Noordwijk
- Second skin, groupexhibition of the artist of Rijkshemelvaart, in Gallery Hotel Den Haag
- Silkscreenprints at Gallery Clement, Amsterdam
- Monosilkscreenprints – Galery ink, The Hague
- Immendorffs Masterclass’, exhibition in Galery Aschenbach in cooperation with A.I.S. Summer University, Amsterdam
- Street language, Art & Poetry, Haarlemmerstraat, Amsterdam
- DTTT, with Luit Tabac, painting on paper with oil and pastels, the Y-tech building, Amsterdam
Solo Exhibitions
- Transparent space, solo exhibition with paintings, in Het Glazen Huis, Amstel park, Amsterdam
- Tafel van Muiden, new paintings, Muiden
- Transparent paintings in the Melk Gallery at their new location in De Koog
- Tafel of Muiden, exhibition with a nice selection of the newest paintings, Muiden
- Melk Gallery, ‘ Nature ‘ oil on linen and transparent paintings, Den Hoorn
- Melk Gallery, Winter exhibition, Texel Den Hoorn
- Licht en Ruimte, Exhibition of transparent paintings, Abcoude
- Tafel van Muiden, Exhibition transparent paintings ‘ 08, Muiden
- Tafel van Muiden, exposition of oilpaintings, transparent paintings and colourfield paintings, Muiden
- Melk Gallery, exposition of transparnet paintings, Den Hoorn
- Opening exhibition of Light en Ruimte Gallery. An inspiring place that is in use as a gallery and coach practice, Abcoude
- ‘ 02-‘ 06 ” Continually new,” a long-term and regularly changing exhibition of new paintings in the ‘ Tafel van Muiden ‘, Muiden
- Tune the light, retrospective exhibition of my paintings at Erco, specialist in lights for museums and shops. The paintings and the object the Breeding dress The paintings and the object the hatching dress were really beautifully lit, Naarden
- Beyond Belief, solo exhibition of oil paintings in Gallery or architect office BO6, Amsterdam
- T.O.F. Kunstvlaai,’ fluid & body ‘ art installation with paintings and sound, at the Westergas Fabriek, Amsterdam
- Silkscreenprints, exhibition of mono silkscreen prints in the Bonnetterie in Amsterdam and the Hague
- Behind the portrait-Solo Exhibition of paintings, Galerie Prinsengracht, Amsterdam
- Bilder-solo exhibition of paintings in the Gallery Dreiberg Ausstellung, Hamburg
- Exhibition Paintings in the World of Wonders, KNSM Island, Amsterdam
Design & art in commission
- Rent out of paintings
- painting for movie Nanouk LŽopold
- Interpolis, TV commercials, Jelier en Schaaf
- Atelier rental
- Jelier en Schaaf, Interpolis
- Honig, Outcast pictures
- Tiger shoes
- Illustration & fotostyling
- Albert Heijn, VNU,
- TAMTAM publisher,
- Bonneterie, Kattenburg Uniforce,
- Scientic webdesign
- Relation gifts in commission
- Silkscreen prints TAMTAM publisher
- Silkscreen prints Jason recruitment
- Painting for De Goudse insurance
- Painting for Adviesburo Robbe
- Painting for De Meerkanten
- Oil painting in commission
- In corporate collections
In private collections domestic and abroad
- Art rental business/sale
- Art Olive
- Julie Hengeveld
- Expoline
- Art Experience
- Corporate clothing
- Holland Casino NL Advice in Design & Production
- ING Bank NL Design & Coaching Production
- Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, special event
- Heineken, special events
- KPN, special events
- ’05-’02 Organisation Open Studios de Nieuwe Meer & Rijkshemelvaart, Amsterdam
- Guest teacher
- Fashion academy Montaigne, A’dam
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- International Concept Designer
- Indian Handicraft, New Delhi, India
- MEXX international, Voorschoten/ HongKong, India
- Fashion Designer
- Oilily, Alkmaar/ New Delhi, India
- Rucanor
- Lions jeans
- Arts academy, Fashion HBO, Amsterdam
- Detex Fabric study
- STEW training entrepreneur, Amsterdam
- Jorg Immendorff (DL) Masterclass painting, selected for grant, international summer university
- Masterclass painting A.I.S., Kate Birkhart (VS)
- 1,5 years training Tantra Meditation, Amsterdam
- School for effective intuition, Haarlem
This page presents an overview of the professional carrier of Hester van Dapperen.
Collective exhibitions
- Open Studios, de Nieuwe Meer, Amsterdam
- Boundless Clothing, graphic gallery Ink
- The Hague 3 x van Dapperen expo
- de Trappenberg
- Huizen Rondom Gijs,
- Loods 6, Amsterdam ’05-’02
- Organisation Open Studios de Nieuwe Meer & Rijkshemelvaart
- Amsterdam ’05-’02 Concept Art installations at Oeverlanden: Breedbeeld, Broedjurk, Error of terror, Amsterdam
- Nest, Broedjurk at the Secretarie
- Meppel Broedjurk, Kunstvlaai
- Westergas Fabriek
- Amsterdam White & Dirty
- Broedplaatsen
- Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam
- Test-Portal’, selection international Now-Artists, NDSM, Amsterdam, with ‘Projection Reflex’
- Internet Art project in participation with Genet Groenendaal
- Witness (installations) in passage Rijks museum,organisation Uitmarkt & NDSM
- Amsterdam Kunstevent
- Ahoy, Rotterdam & Amerika Hal
- Apeldoorn 2001 Exhibition, four artists, graphic galery Ink
- The Hague Grafische event -Grote Kerk
- The Hague 9th graphic fair Besselaar galerie Utrecht
- Oerolflot, art/theatre, at the Oerol festival, Terschelling
- Hemelvaart, Art restaurant, Rijkshemelvaart
- TOF, Group installation Verborgen Rijkshemelvaart
- Kunstvlaai Westergas Fabriek
- Amsterdam Nomination
- Art festival A.I.S. & Galerie Donkersloot
- Noordwijk Second skin
- Rijkshemelvaart
- Galerie Hotel Den Haag
- Monosilkscreenprints – Gallery Clement, Amsterdam
- Monosilkscreenprints – Galery ink
- The Hague 1996 Immendorffs Masterclass’, exhibition in Galery Aschenbach in cooperation with A.I.S. Summer University
- Amsterdam Foul language, Art & Poetry, Haarlemmerstraat, Amsterdam 1995 DTTT, with Luit Tabac, oil and pastel Y-tech, Amsterdam Individual exhibitions
Solo Exhibitions
- Exhibition, Opening Licht en Ruimte, Abcoude ’02 – ’06 What’s new, varying exhibition of new paintings at the ‘Tafel van Muiden’, Muiden
- Tune the light, Erco, Naarden
- Beyond Belief, exhibition – gallery BO6
- Amsterdam TOF, ‘fluid & body ‘ art installation, pictures with sound Kunstvlaai Westergas Fabriek, Amsterdam
- Monosilkscreenprints Bonnetterie, Amsterdam, The Hague
- Portrait behind the portrait ‘ -Gallery Prinsengracht 270, Amsterdam
- Bilder – Dreiberg Ausstellung, Hamburg
- Exhibition World of wonders, KNSM Amsterdam
Design & art in commission
- Rent out of paintings
- painting for movie Nanouk LŽopold
- Interpolis, TV commercials, Jelier en Schaaf
- Atelier rental
- Jelier en Schaaf, Interpolis
- Honig, Outcast pictures
- Tiger shoes
- Illustration & fotostyling
- Albert Heijn, VNU,
- TAMTAM publisher,
- Bonneterie, Kattenburg Uniforce,
- Scientic webdesign
- Relation gifts in commission
- Silkscreen prints TAMTAM publisher
- Silkscreen prints Jason recruitment
- Painting for De Goudse insurance
- Painting for Adviesburo Robbe
- Painting for De Meerkanten
- Oil painting in commission
- In corporate collections
In private collections domestic and abroad
- Art rental business/sale
- Art Olive
- Julie Hengeveld
- Expoline
- Art Experience
- Corporate clothing
- Holland Casino NL Advice in Design & Production
- ING Bank NL Design & Coaching Production
- Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, special event
- Heineken, special events
- KPN, special events
- Guest teacher
- Fashion academy Montaigne, A’dam
- Hogeschool van Amsterdam
- International Concept Designer
- Indian Handicraft, New Delhi, India
- MEXX international, Voorschoten/ HongKong, India
- Fashion Designer
- Oilily, Alkmaar/ New Delhi, India
- Rucanor
- Lions jeans
- Arts academy, Fashion HBO, Amsterdam
- Detex Fabric study
- STEW training entrepreneur, Amsterdam
- Jorg Immendorff (DL) Masterclass painting, selected for grant, international summer university
- Masterclass painting A.I.S., Kate Birkhart (VS)
- 1,5 years training Tantra Meditation, Amsterdam
- School for effective intuition, Haarlem